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  • You must submit an order form to claim your slot. I DO NOT accept emails or DMs for slot claims.

  • SFW (Safe For Work) ONLY. Sexy is ok, just no nudity.

  • PAYPAL ONLY (for now)

  • There are a limited amount of slots. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. The form automatically closes when filled.

  • Full refunds are available for commissions I have not yet started.

  • Partial refunds for works in progress are available. Refund amount is based on work already done.

  • You must be 15+ to commission anything G rated.

  • You must be 18+ to commission anything M rated. This may include blood or violence (zombies, warriors in a battle, wounded soldiers etc).



  • ​Humans

  • Animals and Pets

  • Dragons

  • Sergals

  • Dutch Angel Dragons

  • Taurs

  • Monsters

  • Pretty much anything, please email me if you're unsure!




"You're Australian, why do you charge in USD?"

I charge in USD for a few reasons, but the main one being that the majority of my customers are from the US, so it is easier to cater to my main audience. The amount I charge in USD comes out approximately to the amount I intend to charge in AUD.


"Will you be streaming my commission?"

YES on Discord, but NOT on Twitch. When I do the Discord stream, I will be mostly ignoring the chat except for on breaks or if I have a question for you. You will be able to provide live feedback if you're able to attend.

I will however also be supplying you with a video of the entire process.


"Why aren't you streaming on Twitch anymore?"

For starters, I did not do a single stream or personal commission throughout 2023 due to having a high amount of commercial work come in. Now in 2024 I am having a baby who is due in late October! Twitch streams were always quite distracting for me with all the subs/raids/follows/bits etc and took a lot of energy for me to do as it was. I am not going to have the energy for that for some time while pregnant, and after the baby arrives I will then have an additional distraction in my life. So for this reason, I will only be doing quiet Discord streams as I think this is all I'll be able to manage.


"Do you use AI? Your keyword choices for commissions kind of sound like prompts..."

NO I do not use AI. If you're new to commissioning me, you might not know that I have been using keywords on my commission order forms for over a decade to help me with artistic-freedom speedpaint commissions. This is so that they aren't 100% artistic-freedom and still something my customer would really like. It also helps me with initial drawing ideas and prevents artblock. The entire process will be streamed and recorded so you will also be able to see for yourself the entire painting from start to finish.


How long will my commission take?"

I will currently only be working on commissions 1-2 days per week. With that in mind:

Sketches and Speedpaintings will take approximately 1 day - 4 weeks depending on where you are in the queue.

Detailed Paintings and Ref Sheets: I have decided that I will not have the time and energy to do these for this year.


"Why are you only working 1-2 days per week right now?"

I am currently pregnant (Due late October) and this has really made an impact on my energy levels and ability to work on top of regular daily chores and baby preparation. Every day is different and unpredictable. So for now, I am limiting myself to only 1-2 days per week as I think that's all I can realistically manage right now.​​


"What is the difference between a personal commission and a commercial one?"

A personal commission is just for you, for your own personal enjoyment. You do not intend to sell it or use it for advertising for your own financial gain.


A commercial commission is the kind of illustration that you plan to make money from in some way, such as advertisement for something you are selling, a book cover, game illustrations, products, etc. If you will make any money from it whatsoever, it is considered commercial.

If you are interested in hiring me for commercial work, please email me at for a quote.


"Can you make me a reference sheet for my OC?"

No, not at the moment.


"Can you do a tattoo design for me?"

No. I'm afraid I feel too much pressure when it comes to tattoo design. If you choose to have a normal commission from me tattooed on yourself, that's up to you! But I will not specifically take tattoo design commissions anymore.




Once I receive your commission order form, I'll send a PayPal invoice to the email given on the form.

You will get an email with the invoice and a button to pay. It should also show up for you on the PayPal website.

You can pay via PayPal or with Credit Card this way.





These Terms of Service are relevant to NONCOMMERCIAL projects only and are subject to revising, editing, and additions without notice. These policies are based from some parts of the most recent edition of the "Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines" book, which have been referred to me by another artist.


1) Displayed base prices are subject to change according to the complexity, difficulty, size and medium of each individual piece.


2) Clear and concise visual references and/or description of characters must be provided by the Client. 


3) Payments for all commissions EXCEPT Detailed commissions must be made up front in full before preliminary work begins. Payment for detailed commissions are half up front, half upon completion. 


4) If the artwork is finished before final payments are made, the Client will not receive the original full resolution or un-watermarked image of the commission until final payment is made.


5) Clients will have the opportunity to direct alterations of their commissions via live stream. Extra fixes as per the Artists mistake will be fixed on completion.


6) The Artist reserves the right to reject critique pertaining to artistic skill or style preference (i.e. anatomy, coloring style, etc.) if said critique reduces the artistic quality of the piece.


7) If the Client wishes to cancel their commission during the sketch stage they will be refunded 80% of what they paid.


8) If the Client wishes to cancel their commission mid-painting, a refund amount will be negotiated based on the amount of work completed.


9) The Artist reserves the right to issue a refund and cancel a commission due to poor communication, rude or inappropriate behavior, inability to communicate in effective English OR if the artist chooses to due to certain circumstances such as injury, sickness or other grievances.


10) The Artist ensures the Client will receive email/private message updates on commissions when necessary. Clients are encouraged to check in when they feel it's necessary for updates, assurance or reminders. Public updates will also be made via the Artists schedule page on


11) The Artist will not handle depiction of illegal activities, offensive sexually explicit (x-rated) materials and hateful images. Artistic nudity, violence, gore, and humorously offensive work will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Artist reserves the right to reject any commission for any reason.


12) The Artist retains the right to display all commissioned work on any website, gallery, or journal. If the commissioned work is a time-sensitive gift the Artist may delay public showcase at the request of the Client.


13) The Artist retains ALL the rights to the commissioned artwork, including the right to make prints and merchandise. Rights can be negotiated for an added fee. The Artist agrees to ask before selling and be considerate to the Clients wishes.


14) The Client may NOT make prints of the artwork for resale, or profit from the artwork beyond the resale of a physical original painting or drawing (traditional media, not digital). The Client may resize or crop the artwork to create icons, wallpapers, or other graphics to be used in non-commercial digital format, but the Client cannot alter the artwork itself without permission. The Client may also upload the watermarked version provided by the Artist of the artwork to their personal website or gallery, but credit is required, and it must not be any high resolution or unwatermarked version of the artwork. The Client may make prints for personal use. Written and signed Permission is required by rhe Artist if the Client wishes to print onto anything other than paper or canvas, such as t-shirts, phone cases or other such items.


15) The Artist may recycle sketches and preparatory works that were rejected by the Commissioner for other commissions or personal works.


16) The Client must be of legal age to commission the Artist. For G rated images the Client must be at least 15 years of age. For any image mature in nature, for example blood or violence, the Client must be at least 18 years of age. 


17) The Client must read, understand and agree to all the above terms before entering into an agreement with the Artist. By sending the commission form and payment, the Client agrees to the above terms.




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